Let’s be the best parents we can be

Let’s be the best parents we can be

Being a parent in a time where the internet is everywhere is a daunting task. Children have access to all the content they could ever imagine at the click of a button, making it difficult to know what to filter out and what to introduce your child to. These days,...
Our kids are being too commercialized

Our kids are being too commercialized

Many children’s entertainment creators picture a child as nothing but a dollar sign: a way to make money without putting in a lot of effort. If you turn on most TV shows aimed at young children you’ll find that they’re filled with flashy graphics and mindless plots....
Here’s how we got our kids to start reading

Here’s how we got our kids to start reading

Our number one priority is making sure every child has access to fresh, fun reading material. It can be difficult to get your kids interested in reading if it isn’t a natural hobby for them. Maybe they don’t have any reading goals or don’t relate to the stories...
Where does all the time go

Where does all the time go

Time is really hard to keep. As important it is to be a good parent, it’s also the most time consuming, expensive, and difficult. Every day, we are faced with various choices about how to be the best parent we can be, and it can be difficult to make the right...

Easter time with the family

Family time can often be hard to fit into your schedule with all the curveballs life throws at us. However, even though it might not always be the main priority, it certainly is the most important one. Spending time with your children builds their confidence and...