

Easter time with the family
March 25, 2021

Family time can often be hard to fit into your schedule with all the curveballs life throws at us. However, even though it might not always be the main priority, it certainly is the most important one. Spending time with your children builds their confidence and communication skills, and helps to strengthen family bonds. Showing them that they are a valued member of the family helps them to feel more positive about themselves, which is crucial for a child while growing up. Undivided attention from one’s parent is sacred and helps to connect a parent and child together.

Besides being a great bonding activity for families, reading to your child is crucial for their development. It builds their vocabulary and their ability to focus, while also sparking their imagination and curiosity about the world. Having a routine is very important for a young child, and reading a book before bedtime is a great way to establish that. Many of the greatest thinkers of the world such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk credit early interest in reading as something that helped them become smart and creative adults. It has also been proven that children who are exposed to reading at a young age are more likely to pick books over television or iPad time because they see reading as a fun thing to do instead of as a chore. Even with all the benefits of reading, studies have shown that only 18% of parents with young children read to them every day, holding them back from learning about the world around them.

We want to help you spend as much quality time as possible with your kids. Burst is the book subscription service that sends books straight to your door every month. By saving the time and effort of going to the bookstore and picking out the best books, you can rest easy knowing Burst brings wholesome stories with cherished values.

Connecting daily with your child is essential. As the Easter season approaches, now is the perfect time to reevaluate how you want to spend your family time.

If the answer involves reading together, consider following our social media pages below!

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