The books are in!

The books are in!

Awesome new update for the Burst community- we are starting to send out the first shipment of books! The team has spent hours with envelopes, book bundles, flyers & inserts, shipping, addressing, and packaging. If you’re one of the subscribers, yours will be...
The easiest way to prepare your child

The easiest way to prepare your child

A child’s learning pathways are developed at a very young age. Studies have shown that preschool-aged children are the most equipped to absorb new information about the world around them. This is the age where children begin to make discoveries about cause and effect,...
A great outcome, and only the beginning!

A great outcome, and only the beginning!

Last week wrapped our first Kickstarter campaign. It was just a first mini project to get our feet wet, and thank you to ALL the families that have taken the leap with us. Many of you wonderful people have been in touch with me in the past few weeks, and together we...
Last days!

Last days!

THREE DAYS LEFT! 📚 📚 📚 If you’ve wanted to get in on the campaign before it wraps and we’re back to regular rates, then you have just three days to get your pledge in. You can change your amount afterward, but once the campaign closes, no new pledges will...
Countdown to the final day

Countdown to the final day

July 16 is the last day of Burst’s campaign on Kickstarter. After that, the price for a monthly subscription is going up from the current discounted price of $17 to $25. http://kickstarter.com/projects/burstbooks/burst-books This week is your final time to...