

The problem with getting kids lost in the digital
May 3, 2021

Because technology has advanced so much in the last twenty years, parents today are the first generation that has ever raised their kids in an environment ruled by screens. There is an abundance of entertainment available for children at the push of a button, which can be helpful as well as detrimental.

Although screen time is entertaining, fun, and sometimes educational, too much of it brings on many serious negative effects such as behavioral issues, sleep problems, and falling behind at school. Not to mention, the addictive quality of devices like iPads can make it hard for parents to establish healthy boundaries for their children.

Books should never be underestimated as a tool of children’s media. They are extremely important for the development of a child’s brain and offer a much-needed alternative to screen time once your child has reached the doctor-recommended limit of one hour per day for a child under the age of six.

Burst is committed to providing parents with the best way to entertain your children while also enriching their lives. We are a book subscription service that aims to provide books in the easiest, most accessible way: straight to your door. With Burst, we hope to alleviate some of the stress parents face to keep their children happy without the harm of unnecessary screen time.

Feel free to reply and share some of the moments you’ve noticed your child overusing screens and what you did to help the problem, we will send you the best ones in the next email!

Burst | https://theburst.co