Having just launched, we have been concentrating primarily on orders within the USA. However, we have received such a warm and encouraging response from supporters around the world. Their interest has been extremely important to us, and it has given us an incentive to bring our books to other countries as soon as possible.
Today, we are thrilled to announce that Burst is coming to the UK and Australia!

If you are from the UK or Australia, you can now back us on Kickstarter! The prices are the same as the USD listed price. For the UK it is +15%, for the currency exchange.

We are so excited for children around the world to have access to classic, wholesome stories and stunning illustrations. Our UK and Australian audience has been so encouraging, and we can’t wait to engage with them more.
If you feel that your family would benefit from Burst, check out our campaign to claim your books before it ends in about two weeks!
Burst | https://theburst.co